Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

Latitude: 43° 50' 13.08"N, Longitude: 69° 30' 21.74"W, Elevation: 40 ft
New Harbor, Maine USA

Station History

Records begin April 3, 2009.

Weather Equipment Used:

Current Weather Data

Davis Vantage Pro

Current Conditions - updated every 10 minutes
Yesterday's text report
Yesterday's summary report
Yesterday's strip chart
Current Month report
Hourly Observations report

Other sites for this station's data:
- APRSWxNet: DW1920
- Weather Underground: KMENEWHA2
- Davis WeatherLink: WeatherLink (Vantage Connect) updated every 15 minutes via cellular

Monthly Weather Data

These are six page reports similar to the Local Climatological Data (LCD) reports produced by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) with the addition of hourly data plots and a monthly wind rose.

PDF Monthly Reports

Reports begin April 3, 2009.

Select month:
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Station Notes

Instrumentation Siting

Rain Gauge
Due to the proximity of rain gauge near the Keeper's House, rainfall amounts may be reduced when accompanied by a strong NE to ESE wind (rain shadow effect).  There is no rain gauge heater so the water equivalent of frozen precipitation may not be recorded completely, especially during heavy snowfall.
Sunshine and UV
Again due to the proximity near the Keeper's House, these sensors are in the shade until about 0930 EST (1030 EDT).

Siting of instruments


The weather data provided on this site is for informational purposes only.  No claim of fitness for any purpose of use is expressed or implied.  Permission is granted for use of the weather data by the media.  The weather data may not be used for commercial use (excluding the media) without express written permission of Bristol Parks and Recreation and the Pemaquid Point Association.